Thursday, December 16, 2010

The HIV/AIDS reality in Swaziland

Yesterday I asked one of the waitresses at Malandela's (the restaurant that I am working at ) to please come to a training next Monday morning at 7.30am (we are having an empowerment training)....and she said she couldn't.

I say: "Nelly, this is really important, it will benefit you in all areas of your life, please try and make it"...
Nelly: "Sisi, my niece died this morning so I have to attend the funeral at Pigg's Peak"
I say: "Nelly, I am so sorry....what happened to her?"
Nelly: "she was HIV positive, she was only 34, and left two kids all alone..."

As she said this, I could not contain my tears....I lost it for a while....excused myself and went home for a bit....just to put myself back together...
I had known about the reality of Swaziland, where 36% of the population is HIV Positive and more that 50% of the country is under the age of 15!!!
so just imagine the gap!
Yes, there are problems in every corner of the world, but in my experience, AIDS has always been far in Swaziland it is part of every day life.

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