Friday, October 15, 2010

Swazi Markets!

Two days ago I went with Lindi (the woman that does the food shopping for the restaurant) to a market down the street and to the bigger market in Manzini, about 30 minute drive. I was eager to drive for the first time on what for me is the wrong side of the road! (Swaziland was a British colony) So off we went, with me on the driver's seat, on a foggy rainy day, in a pretty beat up old and cranky Isuzu truck with no side mirror. I did pretty well for my first time, although I would forget about keeping left when pulling into driveways and such. The markets are beautiful as all markets are, and the women surround you and offer you all their goodies- and they call you "sisi" like sister- beautiful!!
Lots of dried beans like mung beans, called Mngomeni, and another type of bean called jugo beans, or Tindlubu-
I was eager to try their bitter greens, called Inshubaba, which can be added to any leafy green for extra layers of flavour and the desired bitterness, but they only had the dry version- Inshubaba is not in season now- Inshubaba and Inkakha (another bitter leafy green) are known to help lower blood glucose levels- I will try the dried inshubaba in a frittata or a quiche- YUM!

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